Tuesday, 4 March 2014

A New Year in The Land Of Small

There have been many new developments, dearest readers, in The Land of Small since the grand Halloween adventures of our stranger Uzzle friends.  The first, of course, was Christmas!  The Uzzles all love Christmas and this year was no exception.  Take a look at Christmas in The Land of Small.

Of course, no holiday would be complete without a visit from Grandmouse.  One of her favourite activities is reading to the grandchildren in the Land of Small Library.  Luckily for her, the grandchildren love to listen to her stories.  Grandmouse is much more adventurous than she looks and the things she tells the children about attacks by pirates and adventures in flying balloons would make your hair stand on end!  The stories are so thrilling that it is very difficult for the children to calm down enough to go to bed.  But, of course, like all children, they do eventually settle down to sleep on this most magical of nights.

Just as in the world of the Bigglings, in The Land of Small on Christmas Eve, a very special Uzzle visits all the houses and burrows, spreading cheer and handing out small gifts.  He rides a red sleigh pulled by his five reinUzzles.  It takes many trips to and from the workshop to carry gifts to all the creatures in the Land of Small, but Santy Uzzle doesn't mind, and neither do his little Ganomes who love to work long hours in the workshop, tinkering and inventing, hoping to create just the perfect gift for every Uzzle in The Land of Small.

In the Gingerbread Village, while the gumdrop kids eagerly await their annual visit from Santy Uzzle, they pass the time skating on the pond near their house.  Still warm from a long bake in the oven, their parents brave the cold weather to admire the superior skating skill of their offspring.  

In the woods near the Gingerbread Village, even the animals eagerly await the arrival of the magical sleigh and their reinUzzle friends.  Santy Uzzle knows how long and cold the winter nights can be in The Land of Small, so each year, as a special treat for the woodland dwellers, he sends his Lantern Children to warm the forest and light it against the dark.

The first creatures in The Land of Small to be visited by Santy Uzzle, are always the Carol Children.  They guard the gates on this magical eve and wait to welcome any visitor who chooses to to visit and even those who wander in by accident.  They ignite the magic of the winter night with music.

The Land of Small might be a small place, often overlooked or unnoticed by the Bigglings, but never doubt the magic that dwells there...

Small Disclaimer:  I like to put these in because, you just never know, in the land of virtual communication, what people's expectations will be and I would hate to confuse or disappoint, so here is the disclaimer.  In the background, in all these pictures, you can see my studio.  I really like the creative chaos of my studio, especially when I am working in mixed media, which all of these sculptures include and this is why I have chosen these shots in particular.  Also, a short note:  These scenes were part of an activity for a festival called Christmas in the Village (in Wortley Village where I live) and then they were shown at the Westland Gallery in Wortley Village for the month of December 2013.  I thought you might like to know that.  Happy Christmas (better late than never!).

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